
A tool implemented with our SummitCRS version 8 Software Package.
Similar to a kiosk you would find in an airport terminal, quickly see production critical information from over 40 Summit fields for all repair orders in all departments.

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What is Terminal?

Designed with the idea of operating like an Airport Terminal sharing data from your open RO's throughout all Production Departments. Terminal provides real-time access to your SummitCRS data acting like an automatically updated Production Meeting on your shop floor ALL DAY LONG. Easily communicate production critical data to any workstation on your network.

  • Does NOT require any additional User Licenses
  • Run Multiple Instances displaying different datasets
  • Customize the displayed data from over 40 Summit fields
  • Included with SummitCRS v8

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    Customer Information

    Terminal easily shares RO Admin data including Customer Name, Customer ID, RO #, HAT #, Rental Company, Total , Deductible, Insurance Company, & Total.

    Scheduling Tracking

    Share information such as Scheduled In/Out, Scheduled Out Day of the Week, Original Promise Date, Arrival Date, and the difference between the original promise date to Scheduled Out.

    Cycle Hours & Days

    Terminal now keeps track of exactly how long your RO has been sitting in the current department. Making your Team aware of how long these vehicles have sat without completion.

    Kiosk Mode

    Terminal offers a Kiosk mode where it maximizes to utilize as much screen space as possible displaying maximum possible data!

    Auto Scroll

    Have more RO's that can fit on a single screen? Auto Scroll will scroll down by record or page as often as you want.

    Priorty Field

    Now when you set the Priorty in the production screen of SummitCRS it will relay that information to Terminal so you can sort your list by priority.

    Production Status

    Live production status information including Department, Sub-Department, & Job Class information

    Vehicle Information

    Terminal easily shares the Year, Make, Model, & Color of the RO for techs to correctly and easily identify the vehicle.

    Track KPI

    Easily see Touch Time and Calculated Days Remaining for each RO

    Parts and Sublets

    Terminal displays the number of sublets on the RO as well as includes all Oustanding Sublets and Parts. Know exactly what parts have been recieved and what is still on order.

    Tech and Labor

    Terminal displays the assigned tech for Body, Refinish, & Mechanical Labor and It also provides the hours for each labor type. Also includes Total RO hours, Clocked Hours, and Flagged Hours.

    Much More

    Also includes the Estimator, CSR, Flagged Status, & Flag Notes. Customizable flash points provide visual indicators. For instance, you can set vehicles to be delivered today or vehicles with outstanding sublets to flash.
